Expert due diligence reports.

Tailored to you.

OSINT Report

Detailed research and analysis of all digitally available open source information by expert analysts.

These reports go above and beyond that which is available through algorithmic based searches and are based on our deep understanding of global, open source resources, their accessibility, availability and relevance.

  • Assesses all available open-source information, including material which may not appear in algorithmic based searches such as direct request fee-based corporate registry searches

  • Research is conducted by expert analysts

  • Identification and evaluation of risks

  • Provides informed opinion, explanation and interpretation of data and information

  • Detailed analysis and assessment of, for example, PEP status/UBO information, absent information, litigation and context

  • Integrity review of company information provided by the Subject

  • Context considering local market, cultural and sector norms

Starts at £3,500

Delivered within 5 working days

OSINT+ Report

Certain jurisdictions and situations require advanced research techniques, language skills, advanced cultural understanding and privileged access.

For example, research of corporate records for a country that has no digital access but allows access by licensed individuals, in person, i.e. physical retrieval. Equally, language requirements and cultural differences may require expert and appropriately skilled analysis.

OSINT+ reports are appropriate in such circumstances and remain a passive search of all available OSINT but in complex and challenging circumstances.

Starts at £4,500

Delivered within 7 working days

Enhanced Due Diligence

Meticulous analysis of public and non-public information.

For situations, jurisdictions and relationships that present the most significant challenges. Includes the complete OSINT/OSINT+ report and adds expert knowledge of country, sector, company or issue. Our specialist analysts apply their in-depth skill and experience to:

  • Assess available open-source and subscription only information in first language

  • Consult country and sector experts to better evaluate reputation and standing

  • Interview credible human sources to refine and deliver clear and concise analysis of the subject matter

Starts at £5,500

Delivered within 10 working days

Bespoke Due Diligence

Focused research and analysis, tailored to your specific needs and utilising the full suite of FD’s research capacity.

OSINT, OSINT+ and Enhanced due diligence reports are generally part of a proactive, preventative compliance toolkit. Bespoke reports tend to respond to specific issues and are reactive - they have to identify if a concern or risk exists and provide a pathway to resolving that concern or risk in the most efficient way possible.

For situations that require expert analysis and research skills, or where specific concerns exist that require exhaustive research and analysis. The situations which call for bespoke support include, but are not limited to, the following areas:

  • Mergers and acquisitions

  • Market entry

  • Litigation support

  • Investigative support

  • Joint venture research

  • Complex sanctions exposure, such as transaction including Russian, Iranian and Venezuelan related entities

  • Fraud and deception

  • Executive screening

  • Conduct discreet research to better understand any rumours and speculation

  • Seek clarification of bona fides in markets where reliable fact-based information is lacking

  • Provide an informed and expert opinion on the risks associated with challenging entities and individuals

Price on Application

Delivered discussed on application